Your Local CACs and 22News ITeam Reports on Child Sex Trafficking
Child exploitation, trafficking is a problem in western Massachusetts
There have been 36 confirmed cases of trafficking in Massachusetts so far this year, 11 involving minors. This is a local issue, please check out the link below. Executive Directors Susan Loehn and Irene Woods were interviewed by 22 News ITeam; as well as mother, Catherine Sykes, who has used the CAC services, and a MA State Police Officer, Pi Downsbourough, who works on these cases.
The Children's Advocacy Centers of Hampshire County and of Franklin County and the North Quabbin, Inc. have hired a CSEC (Commercially Sexually Expoited Child) Coordinator to help identify, respond, and support child victims. Part of this position is coordinating a mulit-disciplinary team to form policies and procedures around CSEC cases. For more information, contact Stacey Langknecht at (Hampshire County) or (Franklin).
22News Iteam Child Sex Trafficking in Massachusetts
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