Join us on August 3!
Virtual Caregiver and Family Empowerment Group
Caregiver and Family Empowerment Group (CAFE)- A *virtual* support group for caregivers and parents.
This second session will be about "Healthy Communication", why it is important for child development, and how to use learning, teaching, praise, and sharing with your children to strengthen your relationship.
Topic: Virtual "Caregiver and Family Empowerment" group
Time: Aug 3, 2020 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 7799 7850
Password: 969728
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Meeting ID: 952 7799 7850
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These groups will be facilitated by the CAC Case Manager, Samantha Staelens, MSW, LCSW. If you have any questions, please email her at
(To protect your privacy, the video feature of Zoom will be disabled, and we will ask you to use a word that describes your child(ren) as your “screen name”. These sessions will not be recorded.)
You are welcome to join any, or all, sessions you wish (there will be no registration).