Northwestern District Attorney’s Safe and Healthy School Summit

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Wednesday, October 30, 8:00 am until 2:30 pm
Greenfield Community College, 1 College Drive, Greenfield, MA

Empowering Belonging, Connection and Learning

A conference presented by the Office of the Northwestern District Attorney David E. Sullivan and the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Franklin County / North Quabbin and Hampshire County.


This summit will explore the many ways adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma manifest in school communities, offering practical skills to promote connection and belonging while preserving a culture of learning and growing. The event features keynote speaker Gaelin Elmore; a panel on school culture; and breakout sessions on related topics.


This conference is geared to K-12 administrators, including superintendents, assistant superintendents, building principals, pupil services directors, teachers, para-educators, school resource officers, nurses, counselors and other vital members of school communities.


Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 8:00 am - 2:30 pm, Greenfield Community College, 1 College Drive, Greenfield, MA

Registration deadline: Friday, October 18, 2024


The cost is $35, which includes light breakfast and lunch, payable by check, credit card, or purchase order.

Register Now

For more information email Northwestern District Attorney’s Office Director of Communication and Community Engagement at

KEYNOTE: Be the Difference: Belonging is the Support We Need

Keynote speaker Gaelin Elmore

Gaelin Elmore is a former NFL player who spent 10 years in foster care, was homeless and survived abuse. He now educates about the topics of adversity and resilience, trauma responsive strategies and how schools can cultivate feelings of belonging to enhance the potential of all youth. His powerful story has motivated and inspired thousands. Listeners will learn the fundamental difference between stories of success versus cautionary tales; the transformational power of belonging; and how adults can genuinely support all students.

Panel: School Climate and Culture, Educators will discuss how to create a school climate that nurtures relationships and fosters belonging to create a learning community that is healthy and safe.

Breakout group topics: ACEs; Youth Problematic Sexual Behavior; Handle with Care; Power of Belonging; Moving from Trauma to Healing; Practical Tools for Trauma Responsive Classroom; Restorative Practices; and more.