Children's Advocacy Center
of Franklin County and North Quabbin Area
(413) 475-3401
7th Annual Golf Tournament

We are pleased to announce our 2025 Chipping Away at Child Abuse Golf Tournament. We will once again be golfing at Crumpin Fox Club in Bernardston.
Event Date: May 30th, 2025
Please register by April 11
Click here for information and registration.
Presented by:
Our Mission

The Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) of Franklin County and North Quabbin Inc. is based upon the fundamental premise that children have the right to be safe and protected from harm. The CAC is dedicated to minimizing secondary trauma to child victims by streamlining the handling of cases of child sexual abuse, serious child physical abuse, and child exploitation.
Children's Advocacy Centers are designed to reduce the stress experienced by child victims of abuse and their non-offending family members throughout the investigation and intervention process. By focusing first on the needs of the children and their families, the CAC’s ensure that important services are provided, while improving the quality of the investigations. CAC’s reduce the need for children to tell their story repeatedly by coordinating a single forensic (fact finding) interview to gather the information needed by each member of the team to successfully investigate allegations of abuse.
Through the CAC, children and families are linked to medical, mental health, victim advocacy and other services determined on a case-by-case basis.
CAC News
Welcome From Our New Director
Executive Director’s Letter to the Community
RESULTS Chipping Away at Child Abuse
Results of the golf tournament
Join us in Conway on April 8th, at 1PM for our Annual Flag Raising event
Honoring April as Child Abuse Awareness Month
Join us in Athol on April 1st at 10:30AM for our Annual Flag Raising
Honoring Child Abuse Awareness Month, please join us!
Mandated Reporter Training

This 51A online training was designed by the Middlesex Children’s Advocacy Center in collaboration with the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office to help mandated reporters:
- Understand their legal obligations as mandated reporters
- Recognize possible signs and symptoms of maltreatment
- Know how to respond to a child who discloses abuse
- Know how to file a 51A Report
- Understand what happens after a 51A Report is filed
Join Our Mailing List
We regularly send out electronic newsletters that announce events, share our highlights, and provide valuable information and perspectives. If you would like to join the list, we invite you to sign up!